توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : درخواست کد خطا

Young Star
8th October 2011, 13:33
ضمن عرض سلام : لطفا در صورت امکان کد های خطای لباسشویی سامسونگ را قرار دهید خصوصا دستگاه اعلام کد E2 را میزند . تشکر از شما عزیزان------- Young star

25th October 2011, 16:43
If more than 450V of instant voltage is detected at DC Link, this error will occur. (caused by an electric failure during the high-speed dehydration)
Appearance: IPM Low Arm Short Break
If both AC power signal and DC link voltage are normal, this error will be released and proceed the previous operation.
In case that there is no AC power signal for longer than 60mSec, or that less than 125V of DC Link average voltage is detected, or that less than 175V is detected during the PHI error, this error will occur. (caused by instant electric failure or wire break of power cord)
Appearance: Motor-generating current will be charged through IPM All Open Break.
Switch error (Main relay error)
If power switch is continuously being pressed for 12sec after power-on, this error will occur.
Power Off
If a button on the control panel is continuously being pressed for 30sec.
No pressing of a button longer than 1sec will release this error.
Leakage ERROR
This error occurs if the frequencies of the water level sensors remain below the Reset level for more that thirty (30) seconds during a wash or rinse course.
(Leakages in the pump, hoses or tub.)
Power OFF
Water Feed abnormal
1. This error occurs if the water supply does not reach its completed level in less than twenty (20) minutes for a washing or rinse course.
2. This error occurs if the water supply does not reach the Reset level in two (2) minutes.
3. This error occurs if the frequencies of the water level sensors do not generate a difference of more than 150 Hz in two (2) minutes from the start of the water supply.
(Suspension of the water supply, a water supply value fault, or a filter fault)
Start button
If higher than 70°C is continuously detected for longer than 8sec at temperature sensor of drying duct during drying, this error will occur.
Start button
If higher than 50°C of water temperature is detected at the time of water feed after selection of WOOL and LINGERIE COURSES, this error functions to prevent damage from such a high water temperature.
Power OFF
1. If the frequencies of the water level sensors reach the overflow level, water is drained and is re-supplied.
2. If an overflow level is detected three times continuously, this error is generated and water is drained and the washing machine enters standby mode.
3. If after a water drain, the water level frequency remains above 22.20 kHz for more than thirty (30) seconds, this error is generated and water is drained and the washing machine enters standby mode.
Water is drained to the door open level and the washing machine is restarted automatically.
If a communication to MCU on the control panel is abnormal for longer than 2sec, it functions to reset MCU to 20mSec and to retry the communication. Abnormal communication for longer than 6sec will make this error.
If there is no abnormal communication
for longer than 1sec, it is automatically released.

If excessive current signal due to restriction of fan motor is
detected for longer than 40sec, this error will occur.
Power OFF
200If the washing water temperature is increasing more than 4°C every 5sec during the operation of washing heater, this error will occur. If higher than 100°C of the washing water is detected for longer than 6sec at the temperature sensor, this error will occur also.
(due to a fire caused by an operation of washing heater without water)
Open the main relay at once, and Power will be automatically off after 5sec.
If the water temperature remains less than 50°C for longer than 10min after the operation of washing heater, or if it doesn’t increase to 2°C higher than the initial temperature of the heater for longer than 8sec, this error will occur.
(caused by breakdown of washing heater or opening of thermostat)
Power Off
If the fan housing temperature remains less than 35°C for preheat dehydration/low temp drying or less than 50°C for drying of the others, and if it doesn’t rise to 5°C higher than the initial temperature of the heater for longer than 8sec, this error will occur.
(caused by breakdown of drying heater or opening of thermostat)
Power Off
Silver nano kit error
This error occurs if the operation of the silver nano kit is not detected during the main water supply in line test mode.
Water is drained to the door open level and the washing machine is restarted automatically.

? Troubleshooting (Test Mode)
? Caution: When the drum temperature is above 40°C,
An error is generated and a melody rings.
- F
or the Boil, Eco-Bold and Quick courses, course selection cannot proceed any further.
In this case, y
ou can force a course selection by holding down the Start/Pause button for more than 5
(If the temperat
ure falls below 40°C, test mode can be operated.)
A. Connect the power cord to the power socket.
B. Switch the Power Button on while pressing the Spin and Delay Start buttons.
C. All of the LEDs will be turned on in the Display window. (Check the LEDs.)
If you release the button being pressed, will be displayed. (Initial condition of Test Mode)
D. If the Wash button is pressed, the door switch will be locked (a “rattling” sound will be made.)
E. If the Temperature Button is pressed, the switch will be open (a “rattling” sound will be made.)
F. Press the AirWash button.
- Pressing the Temperature button will operate the water supply valve.
(In the order of Preliminary/Main Wash/Hot Water)
G. If the Rinse Button is pressed, the Drain pump will operate.
H. Press the Spin button to turn the drying fan motor on/off. (The fan motor operates only if the door is closed and locked.)
I. Press the Dry button to operate the heater in the sequence Dry -> Wash -> OFF. (The fan motor operates only if the door is closed and locked.)
J. If the jog-dial is turned counterclockwise,
Cotton : Model Option Check
Intensive : Water-level Sensor Check
Boil : Temperature Sensor Check (Temperature of fan housing)
Eco-boil : Temperature Sensor Check (Water temperature in the tub)
Quick : Temperature Sensor Check (Temperature of tub)
Towel : Micom Software Code Check
Wool : Test mode Spin
Lingerie : Test mode Wash

? Configuring Inspection Mode
Press the Power button while the Spin/Dry button is held down. (A melody rings and all LEDs are lit. Check the melody and LED status.)
Turn the jog dial (see the table below) to proceed with Test Mode.

Press the Start button in the Wool course.
Check for a wire shortage of the Motor (in the order of Blue/White/Red)
Coil resistances of Blue-Red, Red-White and White
-Blue (10~20?)
Rotation Sensor
Press the Start button in the Wool course.
Remove the cover at the back of the unit. Check the following voltages for the 4-pin connector:
The voltage between the orange and pink lines ? 5V
The voltage between the orange and red lines ? 5V~0V
The voltage between the orange and black lines 5V~0V
Water Supply Valve
Press the Wash button to lock the door switch. In this state, press the Air Wash button and water will be supplied to each value.
Remove the cover at the top of the unit. Check whether the voltage between both ends of the water supply valve connector is 220V.

Door-Open S/W
Silver Wash button (Closed)/ Wash button (Open) function.
o The voltage between both terminals of the operating part for the door open/close switch ? 220V
o The resistance between both terminals of the operating part for the door open/close switch ? 143 ±10%
Check the operation of the drain motor
Press the Wash button to lock the door switch. In this state, press the Rinse button and the drain motor will start to drain water.
When pressing the Wash button again, the motor will stop and halt the drain.
Remove the cover at the back of the unit. Check whether the voltage of the drain motor connector is 220V.
Check the operation of the dry fan motor.
Lock the door by pressing the Wash button. Press the Dry button to start the motor. Press it again to stop it.
- Check whether the voltage at the wires is 220V.
- Check the resistance inside the motor
(measure the resistance between the white and blue wires):
Several ?: short circuit, ?: breaking of a wire
Check the operation of the heater.
Lock the door by pressing the Wash button. In this state, press the Dry button to start the heater. (* Caution: Operating the heater for a long time may cause fire.)
Remove the cover at the back of the unit.
Check whether the voltage between terminals is 220V when the heater is operating.
Check whether the resistance between the terminals is 27±10%? when the heater is operating.
Check whether the water level sensors are operating normally.
Turn the jog dial to Intensive. The frequency of the water level will be shown on the display.
ex) 2565 ? 25.65 kHz
Remove the top cover at the top of the unit.
1) Check whether the voltage between the pink and orange terminals is 5V. Check whether the voltage between the violet and orange terminals is 5V.
2) Check whether the frequency is 26 kHz ±10% when drained completely.
Fan motor power connector

Check whether the thermistor of the washing heater is operating normally.
Turn the jog dial to Eco-Boil, Boil or Quick.
A temperature will be shown on the display.
Eco Boil ? the temperature of the washing water
Boil ? the temperature of the duct
Quick ? the temperature of the condensed water
Remove the cover at the back of the unit.
Check whether the resistance between both ends of the thermistor is about 12k?.
Check whether the voltage between both ends of the line is about 5V.
1. The buttons on the control panel at the front of the unit do not work. The display LEDs do not light up normally.
2. The unit does not turn on when the Power button is pressed.
1. Action
- Replace the control panel assembly with a new one.
2. Action
- Measure the voltage between the “A-B” terminals on the main PCB. If it is not 220V, replace the noise filter.
- Check the fuse at the input terminals of the AC line.
Check the resistance.
Check the voltage.

9th March 2016, 03:57
دوستان مهندسین محترم لباسشویی توشیبا ارور e7-4 میزنه ایراد از کجاست درضمن لباسشویی از مدل aw هست درب از بالا باز میشه


9th March 2016, 17:58
دوستان مهندسین محترم لباسشویی توشیبا ارور e7-4 میزنه ایراد از کجاست درضمن لباسشویی از مدل aw هست درب از بالا باز میشه


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