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نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 3 , از مجموع 3

موضوع: نرم افزار ویندوز مدیا پلیر Windows Media Player 11

  1. #1

    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر ها
    74 سپاس از25 پست

    نرم افزار ویندوز مدیا پلیر Windows Media Player 11

    Windows Media Player is the inbuilt player provided with Windows. You can use plugins specially designed for Windows Media Player to boost the performance of the player in many ways. Here I am going to talk about a very older but powerful plugin named “DFX Audio Enhancer” which can change overall musical experience on Windows Media Player.

    You may also like: Talk To Your Windows Vista And Ask To Open Media Player

    DFX 9.2 is a free software to download from the this link where you can use “Light Processing Preset” without any charges. If you want to have the full version of this plugin, you will have to purchase that for $39.99. Here is the screenshot of the plugin and its options:

    Click here to enlarge

    How to use DFX on Windows Media Player[/SIZE]

    # Download DFX Audio Enhancer Plugin
    # Install the .EXE file downloaded from the location. No need to select “default search engine options” on the execution panel
    # Start Windows Media Player on your PC
    # Start playing a song/movie on Windows media Player
    # Go to the Now Playing tab and click to get a menu list. Select Plugins, Click on Other Plugins and Select DFX Audio Enhancement from there.
    # Now you may notice the change in the output of WMP. Now you should have DFX window on your PC where you may change the options available

    Click here to enlarge

    DFX Plus is having features like 3-D surround sound and other presets like techno, Big Bass, Hard Rock etc. But still you can use free version to enhance the output of windows media player with “Light Processing Preset”. Believe me, you will definitely notice a positive change in your music experience on WMP.

    Click here to enlarge
    Links are Interchangeable | Single Link | No Password

    Download Install
    Download DFX for Windows Media Player
    Download keygen from hotfile
    Download keygen from Rapidshare
    Download keygen from Mediafire
    ویرایش توسط pal-electronic : 2nd March 2011 در ساعت 09:14

  2. 5کاربر از secretsky بخاطر ارسال این پست مفید سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

    ARIYA (2nd March 2011),KIAN FAR (1st March 2011),pal-electronic (2nd March 2011),savalan (2nd March 2011),عماد عموئي (1st March 2011)

  3. #2

    تاریخ عضویت
    Dec 2009
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    در سایت آپلود شد Click here to enlarge
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    جاوید ایران زمین

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  4. 4کاربر از ARIYA بخاطر ارسال این پست مفید سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

    KIAN FAR (2nd March 2011),pal-electronic (2nd March 2011),savalan (2nd March 2011),محمد مهدوی (2nd March 2011)

  5. #3

    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر ها
    74 سپاس از25 پست

  6. نمایش تمام تشکر های secretsky در این پست:

    ARIYA (19th April 2011)

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