.تعمیـــرکاران کیان ست (kiansat.tv)تابع قوانین -جمهموری-اسلامی ایران میباشد و ارسال هر گونه مطلب سیاسی،مذهبی،غیراخلاقی و خرید و فروش متعلقات ماه-واره و دیگر موارد مجرمانه ممنوع میباشد وبا کاربران خاطی به شدت برخورد میگردد انجمن فقط تعمیرات لوازم الکترونیک میباشد...

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موضوع: کاملترین پک اموزش برنامه نویسی به زبان cتوستط دکتر Kia Bazargan به صورت تصویری

  1. #1

    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2011
    نوشته ها
    تشکر ها
    58 سپاس از9 پست

    کاملترین پک اموزش برنامه نویسی به زبان cتوستط دکتر Kia Bazargan به صورت تصویری

    سلام خدمت کاربران محترم لیست دروس
    C/C++ Programming Class Videos

    01- 1386/11/08 - salam programs (download swf file 64MB)
    02- 1386/11/10 - int, float variables, cin (download swf file 75MB)
    03- 1386/11/13 - float constants, legal/illegal var names, if-else (download swf file 40MB)
    04- 1386/11/15 - recorded outside class - cast, float if == (download swf file 43 MB)
    00- 1386/11/17 - no class
    00- 1386/11/20 - no class
    00- 1386/11/22 - 22 Bahman, ta'til
    05- 1386/11/24 - float ==, a=b=c, cond expressions && || ! (download swf file 21MB)
    06- 1386/11/27 - recorded outside class expressions, conditional expressions, printf, scanf, ++, += (download swf file 87 MB)
    07- 1386/11/27 - while loop (download swf file 30MB)
    08- 1386/11/29 - quiz, while, miyangin (download swf file 35MB)
    09- 1386/12/01 - while: avval (download swf file 32MB)
    10- 1386/12/04 - recorded outside class do-whie, while (mabna8-->10, kamel) (download swf file 55MB)
    ...no class....
    11- 1386/12/15 - while: polynomial, for loop (download swf file 21MB)
    12- 1386/12/20 - for loops (download swf file 58MB)
    13- 1386/12/22 - arrays (download swf file 52MB)
    14- 1386/12/22 - recorded outside class address, binary (download swf file 108MB))
    15- 1386/12/22 - recorded outside class two's complement, signed, unsigned variables (download swf file 43MB)
    16 - 1387/01/17 - loops (puzzle), arrays (gandom) (download swf file 65MB)
    17- 1387/01/19 - array addresses (download swf file 65MB)
    18- 1387/01/21 - ?, bitwise operators, >>, <<, #define (download the swf file 50MB)
    01/24, 01/26, 01/28 - no class
    19 - 1387/01/31 - struct, function (download the swf file 63MB)
    20 - 1387/02/02 - bmp hw, function (download the swf file 83MB)
    21 - 1387/02/04 - function, array initialization, struct =, array as fun arg (download the swf file 61MB)
    22- 1387/02/07 - function, array as global / local param, const, recursive func (download the swf file 67MB)
    23 - 1387/02/09 - recursive func, struct as fun param, strings (char[]) (download the swf file 51MB)
    24 - 1387/02/11 - strlen, new, delete, malloc, free, strcat (download the swf file 47MB)
    25 - 1387/02/14 - strcat, strcpy, strncpy, malloc, free example, double ** (download the swf file 84MB)
    26 - 1387/02/16 - strstr, new delete (download the swf file 85MB)
    27 - 1387/02/18 - new (typedef), myStrStr, sscanf, sprintf, itoa, etc. (download the swf file 45MB)
    28 - 1387/02/21 - qsort, linked lists (download the swf file 48MB)
    29 - 1387/02/23 - linked lists (download the swf file MB)
    30 - 1387/02/23 - recorded outside class file I/O in C (download the swf file 80MB)
    31- 1387/02/25 - object-oriented programming (download the swf file 40MB)
    32- 1387/02/28 - class Taarikh (download the swf file 84MB)
    33- 1387/02/30 - class design (download the swf file 25MB)
    34 - 1387/03/01 - class Mokhtalet (download the swf file 56MB)
    35 - 1387/03/04 - operator overloading, ref param call (&), inheritance, default param values (download the swf file 55MB)
    36 - 1387/03/06 - inheritance, virtual function table, STL (download the swf file 47MB)
    37 - 1387/03/08 - Java programming for mobile handsets
    38 - 1387/03/20 - STL (list, vector, map, set), string (download the swf file 34MB)
    فروش سرور مجازی برای هک ستلایت

  2. 7کاربر از internete.ir بخاطر ارسال این پست مفید سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

    HrM.MOB!LE (9th September 2011),iraj_kh (23rd August 2011),K.Engineer (14th December 2011),KIAN FAR (23rd August 2011),majidgolboy (24th August 2011),mehdinasr (2nd March 2012),داوودی فر (31st August 2012)

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