.تعمیـــرکاران کیان ست (kiansat.tv)تابع قوانین -جمهموری-اسلامی ایران میباشد و ارسال هر گونه مطلب سیاسی،مذهبی،غیراخلاقی و خرید و فروش متعلقات ماه-واره و دیگر موارد مجرمانه ممنوع میباشد وبا کاربران خاطی به شدت برخورد میگردد انجمن فقط تعمیرات لوازم الکترونیک میباشد...

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پیام خصوصی به مدیریت کل سایت ........... صفحه توضیحات و شرایط گروه ویژه ........... ...........
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موضوع: پیشرفته کردن ویرایشگر - Quick Editor Improver 3.0

  1. #1

    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2009
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    پیشرفته کردن ویرایشگر - Quick Editor Improver 3.0

    Click here to enlarge پیشرفته کردن ویرایشگر - Quick Editor Improver 3.0

    Quick Editor Improver 3.0
    Customize Quick Editor and Quick Reply [Support Attachment]

    With this hack you may improve the buttons on quick editors include Quick Reply, Quick Edit Post, Visitor Message Editor, Private Message Quick Reply, Social Group Discussion Quick Edit, vB Blog Quick Comments, vB Project Tools Issue Quick Reply and etc...

    Now you may easily and fast quick attachment without need to refresh the page even for post quick edit!

    Hereinafter you may easily turn on or off buttons on quick editors only via vBulletin Options. For example you may add a smiley box to Quick Reply or Visitor Message Editor and so on.

    I hope this hack will useful for you.


    • Turn on/off buttons on Quick Editors via vBulletin Options -> Quick Editor Improver
    • Easily add custom BB Codes to Quick Editors without need to make any changes on templates
    • Display buttons on Quick Editor based on BB Codes permissions which defined for particular section
    • Support Thread Quick Reply, Quick Edit Post, Visitor Message Editor, Quick Edit VM, Private Message Quick Reply, Social Group Discussion Quick Edit, vB Blog Quick Comments, vB Project Tools Issue Quick Reply and etc.
    • Enable/Disable improvement of Quick Editor for particular section by whom you wish
    • Display BB Code posting rules below Quick Editor
    • Add Thread Close/Open option to Quick Reply box on Thread Display
    • Display Post Icons on Quick Reply box
    • Customize Quick Editor/Quick Reply via User Control Panel
    • Works based on usergroup permissions
    • Conform any Quick Editor everywhere
    • Compatibility with 'Advanced BBCode Permissions' hack
    • Enable Quick Attachment
    • Excludes of improvement for certain Usergroups and Styles
    New Installation Guide
    Import the 'quickeditor_improver_3.0.xml' via Product Manager system.
    Congratulation, you are successfully installed Quick Editor Improver on your board.

    Upgrade from 1.0 to 3.0
    Import the 'quickeditor_improver_3.0.xml' via Product Manager system with check 'Allow Overwrite'.
    - It is highly recommended to delete /includes/xml/bitfield_quickeditor_improver.xml

    Upgrade from 2.x to 3.0
    Import the 'quickeditor_improver_3.0.xml' via Product Manager system with check 'Allow Overwrite'.

    Change Log
    Version 1.0 released on 18 January, 2009
    It was first release of this product.
    This version works with vBulletin 3.6.x, 3.7.x and 3.8.x
    Version 2.0 released on 23 January, 2009
    Fixed up the function declare problem of 'button_visibility' function and cache templates
    Fixed up the on the fly configuration
    Optimized sever load time of improved quick editor
    Obviated of upload new files
    Added variety options to more customizing
    Support vBulletin Blog and vBulletin Project Tools
    New Options:
    - Usergroups to be excluded: Allows you to disable Quick Editor Improver functions for some usergroups
    - Show BB Code Rules on Quick Editor Box: Display BB Code rules on quick editor box instead of on 'Posting Rules' area
    - Apply To: Allows you to set improvement only for particular sections
    - Quick Reply - Form Width: If buttons over quick reply are outside of the box, you may use this option to specify fit form width
    vBulletin Blog - Set Automatic Form Width:Automatically adjustment of quick comment box on vBulletin Blog
    - Thread Display - Show Close/Open Thread on Quick Reply: This option allows you to display quick close/open thread on quick reply box
    - Thread Display - Show Post Icons on Quick Reply: This option allows you to show post icons on quick reply box
    Version 2.0.1 released on 23 January, 2009
    Fixed up the uncached templates problem
    More optimized server load time
    Version 2.5.0 released on 25 January, 2009
    Fixed up trivial bugs
    Compatibility with Advanced BBCode Permissions Hack
    Apply configuration based on usergroup that group by 'Quick Editor Permissions'
    Customize quick editor by users from their User Control Panel's
    New Option:
    - User CP Quick Editor Settings: When enabled, Quick Editor Settings item will shown on User Control Panel which allow to users to customize quick editor/reply settings as their wish.
    Version 3.0 released on 3 February, 2009
    Works fine with vBulletin 3.8.1
    Fixed up small bug that was for options
    Fixed up uncached problem for User CP state
    Fixed up empty smilies menu problem when quick reply was off
    Quick Attachment possibility (Quick Reply / Post Quick Edit)
    Support 'Icons for UserCP Navbar' hack for User CP
    Optimized server load time
    New Options
    - Style ids to be excluded: Allows you to disable Quick Editor Improver functions for certain styles
    - Enable Attachment: This setting contains options to be channeling of attachment on quick editor
    فایل های پیوست شده

  2. 2کاربر از KIAN FAR بخاطر ارسال این پست مفید سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

    Meisam-Alishahi (27th February 2011),عماد عموئي (27th February 2011)

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