.تعمیـــرکاران کیان ست (kiansat.tv)تابع قوانین -جمهموری-اسلامی ایران میباشد و ارسال هر گونه مطلب سیاسی،مذهبی،غیراخلاقی و خرید و فروش متعلقات ماه-واره و دیگر موارد مجرمانه ممنوع میباشد وبا کاربران خاطی به شدت برخورد میگردد انجمن فقط تعمیرات لوازم الکترونیک میباشد...

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نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 1 , از مجموع 1

موضوع: نمایش تبلیغات در گوشه صفحه - Angular Advertisement System

  1. #1

    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2009
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    نمایش تبلیغات در گوشه صفحه - Angular Advertisement System

    Angular Advertisement System
    New Generation of vBulletin's Advertisement Systems

    In the Internet world, advertisements had a special place, because of than we see most of Internet web sites have assign special sectors of their pages to this affair, so I thought to design this system for vBulletin with a new idea, of course.

    What is my purpose of angular?
    I choose 'angular' prefix for this system, because general purpose of Angular Advertisement System is display some information in each fourth angles of the screen with a fixed position, so vBulletin's administrators may use this system to display important advertisements, notices, thoughts and etc to users by a powerful inform way.

    What are features of Angular Advertisement System?

    • Perfect integrating with vBulletin and ability to integrate with third-party scripts
    • Using Administrator's permission system
    • Easily styling the advertisement to be displayed via Advertisements Manager panel without need to additional tools
    • Display advertisements to specific users which have bundle of specific qualification (Set Criteria)
    Overall Traits

    Click here to enlarge

    • Using vBulletin Options
    • Using Datastore (Cache System) - To optimize load of pages
    • Wholly Phrased
    • Completely Control Panel Help
    • Includes Hooks - To using for third-party scripts
    • Quick and Easy Installation
    Installation Guide

    Prenotion: This modification work with vBulletin 3.8.0 and also vBulletin 3.7.x
    1. Upload the files in the upload folder to your vBulletin root.
    2. Import the 'angular_advertisements.xml' via Product Manager system.
    1. If you have changes on default vBulletin's directory names, please attention to upload each file to pertain location.
    2. Make sure that 'images/angularadvertisement' directory is writeable by your host (CHMOD 777), of course if you would like to upload images for Angular Advertismenets.
    فایل های پیوست شده

  2. نمایش تمام تشکر های KIAN FAR در این پست:

    HrM.MOB!LE (8th July 2011)

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